Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Promotion to Novice 1

Greetings from the One we know Loves us!

For the past week I wasn't able to post anything on my two blogs. Reason... 'been preparing for one of the most awaited time in my journey to Mt. Carmel.

Yeps. Last Sunday, the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, seven of us form St. Teresa of Jesus and John of the Cross Community, Subic, under going formation as Aspirants were promoted to Novitiate 1. Joining the event are two from the Province of Bataan who had their First promise as an OCDS.

The event was celebrated by our Fr. Provincial Delegate, Rev. Fr. Allan Rieger, OCD. Our Clothing ceremony was included in the Sunday mass at Carmel of the Holy Spirit, Subic, Zambales.

The event can be considered as one of the highlights of the year, for it was graced by other communities under the Care of Carmel of the Holy Spirit, Subic.

From the province of Bataan, came 8 delegates, from the town of Sta. Cruz Zambales were more or less 15 Delegates. All in all, the total OCDS members who attended were more less 50 persons.

Even Father Provincial Delegate Allan Reiger, OCD, was very happy, to see the number of participants and attendees, since it was the first time that these three communities attended a celebration together, at least for this year.

After the clothing ceremony, Father Provincial Delegate gave a three hour talked about "Lectio Divina".

As for me and my girlfriend, this is one of those events that we would cherish, maybe for a lifetime. Since, it marks for us, the start of a greater challenge and commitment to continue our Ascent of Mt. Carmel.

I will be posting pictures as soon as we get them from our photographers.


IL Social Worker said...

I hope you update your blog to advise how things are going with your journey! People in the Religious Life have a very special place in my heart. A group of Sisters were very instrumental in bringing me back to God after many years of estrangement. God bless.

Anonymous said...

hi best of luck with Carmel. I'm a lay Carmelite(calced). I'll have to keep close track of you from now on.


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