Tuesday, December 1, 2009

St. Albert of Jerusalem

Saint Albert Avogadro (1149 – September 14, 1214) was a canon lawyer who served as Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem from 1204 until his death [1].

Known to all Carmelites as the "Lawgiver of Carmel", Albert was an Italian born in the Diocese of Parma in the middle of the 12th Century.

He was an Augustinian with a wide reputation as a man of Holiness and Prudence. [2]

In 1205, he was appointed Papal legate of the Holy Land and Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem by Pope Innocent III. [3]

As Patriarch he helped found the Carmelite order around 1209AD in particular by his composition of what came to be the Carmelite Rule of St. Albert. [4]

Additionally he mediated disputes between the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Cyprus, as well as between the Knights Templar and the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. In 1214, he had been invited to the Fourth Lateran Council. [5]

Albert met a tragic death in 1214 at Acre, where he established his residence  with the permission of the Pope, because Jerusalem then was still occupied by hostile Moslems. During a religious procession on the Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross, he was stabbed to death by the Former master of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit whom he deposed from office because of public immorality.[6][7]

Albert Avogadro is commemorated every 17th of September in the Roman Catholic Church.[8]

Regarded as "Blessed" by the Universal Church [9] and venerated as a Saint by Both Ancient  (O. Carm) and Teresian (Discalced) Carmelites [10]. 


Discalced Carmelite Liturgy of the Hours
  • Lawgiver of Carmel
  • Feast
  • Carmelite Proper
  • Albert Avogrado
  • 1149
  • Parma, Italy
  • September 14, 1214
  • Akko (Acre)


September 17


[ 1 ] Albert Avogadro, wikipedia
[ 2 ] pp 82, OCDS-Philippines Support Manual, Volume 1-Aspirancy
[ 3 ] ibid
[ 4 ] Albert Avogadro, wikipedia
[ 5 ] ibid
[ 6 ] ibid
[ 7 ] pp 82, OCDS-Philippines Support Manual, Volume 1-Aspirancy
[ 8 ] Albert Avogadro, wikipedia 
[ 9 ] ibid
[ 10 ] pp 40, Calendar for the Liturgy of the Hours 2010, Discalced Carmelite Order (OCD)


  1. OCDS-Philippines Support Manual Vol 1- Aspirancy
  2. OCDS Calendar for the Liturgy of the Hours, 2010
  3. Wikipedia.com - St. Albert of Jerusalem under Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 (Unported). and the GNU Free Documentation License

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