Saturday, October 23, 2010

Prayer of the two Hearts for Peace Building and Lay Participation in Social Change

O sacred Heart of Jesus,
the reality of our deeply wounded and broken country impels us to respond with new urgency to the most pressing problems of our times.

We are a broken people; our hearts are fragmented and we are discouraged.  We need Your Heart, O Lord, as we seek to be made whole.

Rooted in our faith in You and love for our country, we want to participate in Your work of transformation of persons, families, organizations and society.

Through the transforming power of the love of Your Heart, we draw a new dynamism, a strong inspiration, a fire, which can change and transfigure our lives as individuals and as a nation.

(Please pause for a specific intention)

Love of the Heart of Jesus, give us courage and patience.  Wisdom of the Heart of Jesus, teach us to pray and to act with hope and charity at all times. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines

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