Monday, October 1, 2007

Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face

This morning, I attended mass for two reasons. First, it's the feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Second, it's the last day of the novena mass I had offered for my late mother Francisca, since last week was her first death anniversary.

I was really touched by the homily of our Mass Celebrant and by the music that was sung by the choir especially the Lord's Prayer, actually tears just fell out of my eyes as we sung the Lord's prayer this morning, for reasons that I myself could not really explain.

The homily was about, the 3 virtues of St. Therese which are Thrust, Humility and Simplicity. Since St. Therese, if I'm not mistaken, was given the title Doctor of the "little ways", She became the third Carmelite to be given the title Doctor of the Church.

Her "little ways" refers to the ordinary things that we do in our daily lives that can be offered and be made pleasing to God, so long that we offer it to Him with great love."

She became a Saint not because of anything else, but because of her "little ways" and actions that can be compared to a child, full of Humility, Simplicity and Thrust to Jesus our Lord and Savior.

Picture was from - St. Therese of the Child Jesus

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