To become a full-fledge member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
(OCDS) requires, that one must undergo an initial formation program based on the teaching of the Catholic Church through its Catechism
; the teaching of the three Great Doctors of the Church and Carmelite Saints Teresa of Avila
, John of the Cross
and Therese of the Child Jesus
; and the other Saints of the Order.
Through this program, future members are formed in order to develop their human, Cristian and Spiritual maturity that aims to aid them in living-out their commitment as members of the Church, and as Seculars of the Order of Discalced Carmelites.
Formation Period
Although, an observation period and at least three (3) consecutive attendance to community monthly meeting is required before one can be accepted to its formation program, the initial formation program has a nominal duration of six years to complete, that is divided into three levels:
- One year of Aspirancy
- Two years of Novitiate
- and Three years of Temporary Promise that leads to the Definitive Promise
the aspirancy is the first level of the formation program. Under this level, the community and the candidate is given an ample time and opportunity to make an adequate discernment in finding out if a candidate has a vocation in living-out the calling of a Secular Discalced Carmelite.
After one year of discernment and after the required deliberation, a candidate can be invited for clothing to enter a much deeper formation program as a Novice.
The novitiate program introduces a Novice to a much deeper study of Carmelite Spirituality and the Origin of the Discalced Carmelite Order.
Through this program, members are strengthened in their Baptismal commitment for the service of the Church, in faithfulness to the Teresian Carmelite Charism as they strive to live their promise of evangelical perfection in the spirit of the evangelical counsels of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience through the Beatitudes.
Temporary Promise
After making the First Promise, a member will now undertake for three more years a more intensive study of prayer and the scriptures; the documents of the Church; the teachings of the three Great Doctors and Saints of the Order; and the formation requirement in preparation for their Apostolate of the Order.
Definitive Promise
One's entry to the Definitive Promise formally ends the Initial Formation Program, but marks the beginning of a members On-going Formation.
Through their on-going formation, members are expected to continuously learn and grow in their Spirituality as Discalced Carmelites as they continue their pilgrimage of life.
Only after the definitive promise, can formands be considered full-fledged members of the Secular Order.
- OCDS Philippines Provincial Statutes
- OCDS Philippines Program of Formation
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