Sunday, August 14, 2011

Litturgy of the Word - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading - Is 56:1-7
Responsorial Psalm - 57:2-8
Second Reading - Rm 11:13-32

Gospel - Mt 15:21-28 - The Canaanite Woman's Faith

Historical Background

The normal policy of the historical Jesus'  mission is clearly seen in this biblical passage, to gather the people of Israel for the end times [1], but despite of this the Canaanite women continues with her plea.  When Jesus said "It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs." It shows that Jesus' mission at this point in time does not include the Gentiles.   However, the woman was very quick to catch-on Jesus' message and used it to her own advantage[2].  Thus, her reward.

Biblical reflections:

1.  Jesus' have acknowledged the Canaanite woman's faith as "great",  contemplate on this faith of the woman and ask ourselves of how deep is ours compared to her.
Personal Prayer after reflection:

 Lord Jesus, teach us to Love in order to have faith.


[1] "The Gospel According to Mathew", The New Jerome Biblical Commentary 1993, pp 658-659 
[2] Ibid


The New American Bible - The New Catholic Edition 1987

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