Sunday, August 21, 2011

Litturgy of the Word - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading:       Is 22:19-23
Psalm :                    Ps 138:1-8
Second Reading: Rm 11:33-36

Gospel: Mt: 16:13-20

Brief History:

For this occasion Jesus changed the name of Simon to Peter (Rock) and gave him the keys of heaven and the authority to bind and unbind.


In the two thousand years of existence of the Catholic Church, it has survived everything that threatened its existence, from persecution from the different empires that it has to face to schism and even apostasy, but true to the promise of Christ  the " gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it", it remained and survived all of these turbulent  events  but not without the sacrifices of its believers. 

Today in the modern world, the Church is again facing new challenges, as a member of this Universal Church what can you contribute to its mission?

Personal Prayer

Lord Jesus, allow me to contribute the little that I have for the greater glory of Your kingdom, here on Earth, Amen.

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